“Today’s Seed” from E-MIN Apr. 26, 2024

Ever feel like you’re in the crosshairs?

For those who may not know, the image above is of crosshairs in optics. While they are found in many things, the most common is in telescopic sights for rifles. The crosshairs enable the shooter to accurately sight in on their target.

Being in the crosshairs has become a common euphemism for being targeted by someone. To be in the crosshairs means to be in a situation in which you are the target or victim of somebody’s anger, scheme, violence, or blame.

Today’s Scripture passage reminds me of different kinds of spiritual and emotional attacks launched against us by our enemy. Trouble, suffering, hard times, hunger, being in need, in danger, or facing death: When we experience these we can feel like we are in the enemy’s crosshairs. And do you know what? We may be.

Karen and I have felt like we have a target painted on us and are the object of several targeting processes lately. Are we? We may be. (Personally, I think so.)

In such times, it is easy to become more focused on the result of the attack than on the attacker. And more than this, it is easy to lose sight of the One who protects us in those times when we are attacked.

The goal of the evil one is to bring us down, distract us from what God has for us to do and be, and in whatever way he can, corrupt or pervert our destiny and stop or delay its fulfillment. This he will do by all means available to him.

In times of attack, difficulties, and hardships, we can lose sight of God’s love. This is especially so when we feel anything but love in the situation and even more so when we see a person and not the enemy as the ultimate source of the attack. Especially then we must remember what Paul said in today’s passage.

Personally, I need this today. Perhaps you too? We all go through dark times when we cannot feel or hear God. It is a part of becoming more spiritually mature and growing deeper in our relationship with God. This is one of those times for me. Paul’s words are an encouragement and a source of hope.

If you do not take away anything else from this message today, take this: All the enemy can really do is make us think we are separated from God. Nothing can really do this … except us.

While the enemy is unable, we can do this to ourselves; we can close ourselves off from Him. In difficult times, times when we feel attacked, it is vital that we keep our wits, understand who the real enemy is, and hold to the awareness that God is with us.

I hope you will do what I am struggling through right now, which is holding to the truth that God loves me even when I do not feel it and can see things that seem to support that He does not. Remember: Our enemy is a master deceiver. He will deceive us if he can. It is our responsibility to make sure he does not.

FYI: The verses in today’s passage would be good ones to memorize so you will have them to recall when you are in a situation where you cannot perceive God’s presence with you. You can do that by writing it out longhand, repeating it over and over, and “testing” yourself: Try to say it then see if you got it right. If not, keep doing it until you do.

“Nothing in all creation can separate us from God’s love for us in Christ Jesus our Lord!” Hallelujah!

Today’s Seed™ Scripture and Prayer for Apr. 26, 2024:

Can anything separate us from the love of Christ? Can trouble, suffering, and hard times, or hunger and nakedness, or danger and death? I am sure that nothing can separate us from God’s love–not life or death, not angels or spirits, not the present or the future, and not powers above or powers below. Nothing in all creation can separate us from God’s love for us in Christ Jesus our Lord! (Rom 8:35,38-39 CEV)

Prayer: LORD, the only thing that can keep me from You is me! Help me love You and accept Your love for me. Help me draw close to You and allow You to be as close to me as You desire. Help me rest in the assurance that You loved me before I knew You, You love me now, and You always will. In Jesus’ name, Amen.  (c) 2023 Randall Vaughn • All Rights Reserved • http://www.e-min.org

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Today’s Seed™ by Randall Vaughn is published daily (M-F) by E-MIN Global Ministries, P O Box 220, Warrior, AL 35180 (USA) • www.e-min.org • Copyright Terms/Permissions/List Privacy www.e-min.org/tp.htm

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Scripture quotations marked “NIV” are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version, NIV. Copyright (c) 1973, 1978, 1984 by Biblica, Inc.(tm) Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide.

About Randall Vaughn:

With 40+ years as pastor, author, teacher, worship leader, and songwriter, Randall pioneered E-MIN in 1997–one of the earliest online ministries and today the longest operating. His passion is leading people to deeper, genuine relationship with God. He lives in Alabama with his lovely wife, Karen, and their dogs, Hadi and Rayah. He enjoys hiking, exploring new tech, and “prayer walks”.

Copyright (c) 2024 Randall Vaughn • All Rights Reserved.
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